Sign Fall


Refund Policy
Tuition refunds are calculated per the Winter Session refund schedule.  Students must officially cancel (drop) their course registration or withdraw from a course through WegReg by the specified refund dates to be eligible for a refund. 

Refund Schedule

Deadline Date Description
Tuition Refund
Tuition Obligation
December 20, 2024 Last day to cancel course registration.  
January 2, 2025 Last day to withdraw and receive a partial refund.
January 10, 2025 Last day to withdraw.

Refund Status
Email, call, or visit Student Accounting to inquire about the status of your refund. 

Refund Methods
The University will deposit refunds using the method selected by the student.  For more information click here.   

Note:  Students will receive a full tuition refund if the University officially cancels their course. 


WebReg System Availability
Monday - Friday:  6:30am – 11:59pm
Saturday & Sunday:  6:30am – 6:30pm